Feedback from Aug 2022 Meeting

Hi all, we did our August meeting now on Signal in a video meet. We again had no-one from within Government, and our last plan of action was to try establish some form of OSS user group under a GITOC SC. Deon Nel from SITA and TTT was consulted and he made himself available for discussion and advice on how he has the TTT running in a similar manner.

So priorities are:

  1. GITOC user group if possible – if Nhlanhla can join the Sept video meeting and update us? Deon was happy to be contacted and discuss that with you.
  2. Alternatively whether CSIR could form such an interest group from their side as they were still quite active with FOSS – do we have anyone from CSIR in this group (not veryone’s profile’s were completed on the OSS website)?
  3. That we proceed to be registered as an NGO as per Karl’s suggestion, which gives an official status representation as far as government is concerns, and can earn us a seat at various forums where Gov interacts with citizens. We would do it as a non-financial institution to prevent having to appoint bookkeepers and an auditor.

Next meeting is 6 Sept at 15:00 as video meeting again here in the Signal group – you can join from mobile or desktop device, depending on where you have installed Signal.

Feedback from June 2022 Meeting

Feedback from June’s monthly meeting:

1. Was another fairly quick meeting as there were only two of us…. but we waited 50 mins.
2. KARL/DANIE – Kubernetes as a MIOS cloud standard – Karl will discuss with Richard at SITA. Danie did speak to Richard about doing a Zoom instead, but needed to follow up again.
3. NHLANHLA – Aslam proposed previously establishing a FOSS special interest group for GITOC (Deon Nel, at SITA on GITOC TTT, already expressed willingness to discuss with Nhlanhla). Nhlanhla said he would take this up so pending his feedback. The feeling is such a group would help focus more interest and also help motivate some of the techies still in Gov (as right now they are under the radar on their own building their own solutions). The forum Nhlanhla is looking at though is not for the techies level of course.
4. KAREL/LLEWELLYN – consider doing some media PR about the successes of open source in your areas, mentioning how jobs are supported through it, data sovereignty, 100% local spend, etc.
5. We also discussed some other issues (carried over) that are not for action right now but we’ll keep them on as discussion points:
5.1 IT in schools – the fact that Delphi is still being taught, whilst Python is so popular and even presented by Microsoft says Karl. It is possibly something that can be taken up within the FOSS special interest group.

Next meeting is online (info in this group info) on first Tuesday of July.

Feedback from March 2022 Meeting

Feedback from March’s monthly meeting:

1. Was another fairly quick meeting as there were only three of us. We discussed momentum on points and it was agreed we must not wait for a meeting to give feedback. Anyone who has their name in BOLD letters below for feedback, can now give feedback in this Signal group as soon as they have progress, as it is no longer a public open group.
2. KARL – Kubernetes as a MIOS cloud standard – Karl suggested an onlive VC with Richard at SITA. DANIE will check if Richard wants to do a Zoom or Jitsi session with the two of us.
3. ASLAM – Establishing a FOSS special interest group for GITOC – Aslam to speak to Nhlanhla (Deon Nel already expressed willingness to discuss with Nhlanhla, and Deon’s details were sent to Aslam) – pending feedback.
4. We also previously discussed some other issues (carried over) that are not for action right now but we’ll keep them on as discussion points:
4.1 Enterprise Architecture – MOHAMED raised importance of it determining direction and FOSS awareness legislation, MIOS, etc but often external parties are just contracted to complete it for Depts and Entities. Keu is on this Signal group and can be involved in this.
4.2 IT in schools – the fact that Delphi is still being taught, whilst Python is so popular and even presented by Microsoft says Karl. It is possibly something that can be taken up within the FOSS special interest group.

Enterprise open-source is on the up and proprietary software on the way down – It is no longer about cost savings either

The use of proprietary software in enterprise organizations is expected to decline eight percentage points over the next two years, while the use of enterprise open-source software is expected to increase five percentage points.

So say 1,296 IT leaders around the world, according to Red Hat’s fourth annual “The State of Enterprise Open Source” report. Currently, report respondents say 45 per cent of their software is proprietary and they expect that figure to drop to 37 per cent in two years.

But if there’s anything in this report to warm the heart of Red Hat and like-minder sellers of enterprise open source it’s that price is no longer among the top reasons enterprise IT leaders cite for using enterprise open source; in fact, lower total cost of ownership now sits near the bottom of the list of perceived benefits, in ninth place.


#opensource #survey

Feedback from Feb 2022 Meeting

Feedback from February’s monthly meeting:

1. Was another fairly quick meeting as we agreed to not add lots more agenda points until we’ve moved on the existing one’s.
2. KARL – Kubernetes as a MIOS cloud standard – Karl will go see Richard at SITA in Feb. Danie will check if Richard wants to do a Zoom instead.
3. ASLAM – Establishing a FOSS special interest group for GITOC – Aslam to speak to Nhlanhla (Deon Nel already expressed willingness to discuss with Nhlanhla) – pending feedback.
4. DONE – Right to Repair – Danie conveyed to GITOC TTT and it will be added as an agenda point on their meeting.
5. We also discussed some other issues (carried over) that are not for action right now but we’ll keep them on as discussion points:
5.1 Enterprise Architecture – MOHAMED raised importance of it determining direction and FOSS awareness legislation, MIOS, etc but often external parties are just contracted to complete it for Depts and Entities. Keu is on this group and can be involved in this.
5.2 IT in schools – the fact that Delphi is still being taught, whilst Python is so popular and even presented by Microsoft says Karl. It is possibly something that can be taken up within the FOSS special interest group.

Italian Courts Find Open Source Software Terms Enforceable

The issue was that the software was redistributed without including acknowledgment of the original work, including information about changes the defendants had made to the software, and with no mention of the software’s copyright holders.

“They also proceeded with the unlawful behavior [of] ignoring the formal termination notice,” the company added, “which is the first protection tool implemented to safeguard the developers who decide to share their code in a free form.”


French Ministry of Foreign Affairs launches open source toolbox to fight disinformation

Source: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On the occasion of the 2019 European elections and ahead of France’s 2022 presidential elections, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched in 2019 a toolbox of open source software and open resources to fight disinformation. As of December 2021, Internet users can access software to detect fake Twitter accounts, assess the legality of political advertisement on Facebook, and use multiple further resources on good practices to counter disinformation. Further work is ongoing to develop and deploy additional online resources.

Fake news, disinformation, misinformation: in the past decade, the manipulation of publicly available information on online platforms and social media soared tremendously in Europe and beyond. In 2018, 83% of respondents to a Eurobarometer survey indicated that fake news represent a danger to democracy.


Feedback from Dec 2021 Meeting

Feedback from December’s monthly meeting (next online meeting Tues 1st Feb at 15:00 as link in group profile):

1. Was a fairly quick meeting but we agreed, as with last year, we’ll skip the Jan 4th meeting, so next meeting with be first Tues in Feb.
2. SAOSS Twitter – we noted we are not getting the retweet’s and likes we want to see from the few posts we do and which inc The Presidency and others. It makes our effort look bad as no support is seen. It is suggested therefore that any SAOSS members with Twitter accounts, please activate notifications for the SAOSS account so they are alerted to tweets to be retweeted. It is only two or so tweets per month.
3. Kubernetes as a MIOS cloud standard – Karl will go see Richard at SITA in Jan.
4. Establishing a FOSS special interest group for GITOC – Aslam to speak to Nhlanhla (Deon Nel already expressed willingness to discuss with Nhlanhla) – pending feedback.
5. Right to Repair – Danie will convey to GITOC TTT to have it added as an agenda point on their meeting.
6. We also discussed some other issues (carried over) that are not for action right now but we’ll keep them on as discussion points:
6.1 Enterprise Architecture – Mohamed raises importance of it determining direction and FOSS awareness legislation, MIOS, etc but often external parties are just contracted to complete it for Depts and Entities. Keu is on this group and can be involved in this.
6.2 IT in schools – the fact that Delphi is still being taught, whilst Python is so popular and even presented by Microsoft says Karl. It is possibly something that can be taken up within the FOSS special interest group.

Swedish Government report for digital collaboration platform technologies for the public sector puts Nextcloud front and centre as the key solution in this space

The report was put together by 8 Swedish government agencies, including the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, the Swedish Transport Administration, the Swedish Companies Registration Office and the Försäkringskassan. The report gives an exhaustive definition of digital collaboration, noting the important components needed for teams to work together.

Nextcloud is already in use at the Swedish Transport Agency and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, while Försäkringskassan offers authorities Nextcloud as a service.


#technology #opensource #sweden #government #nextcloud

Congratulations to the new German government coalition for their open source strategy!

The new German ‘traffic light’ coalition from SPD, Greens and FDP released the results of weeks of negotiation: their coalition agreement. A key component of this extensive agreement are commitments to furthering the digitalization of the German government, in particular through the use of open source and with an eye towards Digital Sovereignty of the German government.

Some relevant quotes:

„We want to increase the strategic sovereignty of Europe.“

„Municipalities must benefit from federal funds and be able to adopt solutions developed within the framework of the One-for-all principle. (Public Money Public Code)“

„We require open standards for public IT projects. Development contracts should typically be commissioned as open source, the corresponding software is generally made public. On the basis of a multi-cloud strategy and open interfaces as well as strict security and transparency requirements, we are building a public administration cloud.“

„Government data from all administrative levels are to be made available in standardized formats in the future. The agricultural data room in Gaia-X as the basis of a European data infrastructure with clear usage rights for farmers to the farm-specific data, which they helped to create, is being further developed with standardized interfaces. Open source formats are expressly supported.“
