Feedback from June 2022 Meeting

Feedback from June’s monthly meeting:

1. Was another fairly quick meeting as there were only two of us…. but we waited 50 mins.
2. KARL/DANIE – Kubernetes as a MIOS cloud standard – Karl will discuss with Richard at SITA. Danie did speak to Richard about doing a Zoom instead, but needed to follow up again.
3. NHLANHLA – Aslam proposed previously establishing a FOSS special interest group for GITOC (Deon Nel, at SITA on GITOC TTT, already expressed willingness to discuss with Nhlanhla). Nhlanhla said he would take this up so pending his feedback. The feeling is such a group would help focus more interest and also help motivate some of the techies still in Gov (as right now they are under the radar on their own building their own solutions). The forum Nhlanhla is looking at though is not for the techies level of course.
4. KAREL/LLEWELLYN – consider doing some media PR about the successes of open source in your areas, mentioning how jobs are supported through it, data sovereignty, 100% local spend, etc.
5. We also discussed some other issues (carried over) that are not for action right now but we’ll keep them on as discussion points:
5.1 IT in schools – the fact that Delphi is still being taught, whilst Python is so popular and even presented by Microsoft says Karl. It is possibly something that can be taken up within the FOSS special interest group.

Next meeting is online (info in this group info) on first Tuesday of July.

Author: Danie van der Merwe

Worked at SA Police and then SITA for a total of 35 years before taking retirement. My passions now are promoting open source software, green environment tech, and blogging about gadgets and technology.

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