Reply To: Register a nonprofit organisation to Represent this Effort

About Us Forums Future of OSS in South Africa Register a nonprofit organisation to Represent this Effort Reply To: Register a nonprofit organisation to Represent this Effort


Draft 1 Constitution from Karl Fischer:

Mission Statement:
To promote open standards and open source software within the South African Government
To see that Open Standards and Open Source Software is widely adopted within all spheres of Government

This is an Open Working group which any person can join.
Membership is Free.
It will not be controlled by any person, entity or private organisation.
The Guild™ is comprised of people from various sectors in Private Sector and Government, it’s a Public Private partnership.
The membership is limted to only private individuals and NOT organisations.
Membership does not imply the individuals employer is represented.

Steering Team:
There is a elected steering team that makes stratigic decisions, you can get elected to this team, by submitting a nomication and getting elected in the yearly election.
The Term is 1 year, and position can only be held by an individual for a maximum of 3 terms

The Orginzation does not accept any money and does not have a bank account.
Should anyone accept money on behalf of the orginzation they will be banned from orginzation and their name will be listed on the website.

– Help Government create and implement widely used Open Standards
– Help with Open Source Technology Choices
– Showcase existing Open Source Projects within Government
– Promote Local Open Source Skills