List of FOSS Projects and implemented FOSS systems

About Us Forums Future of OSS in South Africa List of FOSS Projects and implemented FOSS systems

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    • #2014

      A call for your list of FOSS Projects and implemented FOSS systems. We must prepare a catalogue to share on the site. The catalogue will assist in avoiding duplications, collaborate on existing projects and work on interoperable systems.

      Just reply below with the institution name and what FOSS projects or implementations are running there.

    • #2015

      Institution: National Parliament of South Africa

      Alfresco ECM Community Edition

    • #2017

      Institution: State IT Agency

      Websites – Drupal
      ECM – Alfresco Community Edition
      Video Conferencing – Jitsi at any dept can use
      Servers/VMs – Red Hat Linux Enterprise in Cloud, but some CentOS and Ubuntu server VMs for other applications
      Large File Transfer at – file does not leave the country and is auto-deleted
      Network Proxy – Squid
      Remote VPN network access for Gov: strongSwan – we have automated the online request, password resets, group policy management by Dept VPN owners, and it allows access from Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, FreeBSD, iOS, etc clients.
      Browser – Firefox
      eLearning – Moodle
      E-mail – Zimbra as SaaS for Free State Prov Gov (must be confirmed)

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Danie van der Merwe. Reason: Brought remote network comments in here
      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Danie van der Merwe.
      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Danie van der Merwe. Reason: Added two extra products
      • #2022
        Prince Sebapu

        Thanks for the large file transfer pointer. This is something I have been looking for for sometime now and I did not want to use the known foreign owned systems.

    • #2023
      Prince Sebapu

      Institution: Limpopo Connexion SOC Ltd.

      Website & Intranet – WordPress
      Helpdesk – iTop
      Document Management – OwnCloud
      Project Management – Open Project
      Enterprise Email – Zimbra
      Bug Tracker – Mantis
      Server Operating Systems – Centos
      Hyper-visor – KVM
      Ubuntu Desktop & Server
      GIS – QGIS with PostGis database
      PHP with mySQL & MariaDB
      Busy with a project which uses
      Testing Traccar with good results.

    • #2028

      Solution: Moodle Online eLearning

      * SITA – supported by our KZN office for SITA Varsity courses
      * Western Cape Government Dept Education
      * Western Cape Government Dept Economic Development and Tourism for external eSkills for citizens – supported by SITA launch expected in Nov 2019
      * Request from Western Cape Provincial Health

    • #2030
      Deon Büre

      Institution: The South African Police Service

      Has currently the following FOSS systems:
      * SUSE Linux on the mainframe and a few servers
      * End-user Equipment installations:
      – 7-Zip compression software
      – Infra recorder (CD burning software)
      – Mozilla Firefox (Alternative Internet Browser)

      We are further in the process of registering a project to investigate alternatives to the Microsoft EA range of products. The charter is in the process of approval with SAPS management.

      • #2031

        Thanks Deon, further to that we noted with dismay that any Dept wanting to move their Microsoft hosting into a cloud hosting environment eg. at SITA, loses the portability of their licensing for the Windows Server OS and System Centre licenses. These revert to a SPLA licensing (Service Provider Level Agreement) and the excellent government discounts are lost for these two license types. Other MS licenses are not effected as they are portable.

        This has serious implications for say a server farm full of Windows Server OS hostings. One solution is to convert many of those VMs to using Linux instead as Linux can host MS SQL as well as many 3rd party applications like OpenText and other applications.

        We are still busy quantifying the actual impact though.

    • #2040
      Simtandile Dlepuma

      Institution: Department of Correctional Services

      My department have 42 000 employees spanning over more than 400 offices with 42 management areas. We are currently using both proprietary software and open source software for various tasks. I will now list areas where we are using open source software as the department.
      Service Desk: GLPI, We are using GLPI for managing all calls, requests, incidents, problems and change management
      Enterprise Document and Records Management: We are using alfresco
      Network Monitoring : Nagios Core
      Virtualization and Private Cloud: Proxmox VE
      Website: WordPress
      Portal and Workflow automation: Liferay and Alfresco

    • #2430

      Institution: Western Cape Liquor Authority:

      Website – Drupal
      Form design – Inkscape

    • #2469

      Institution: Armscor

      ERP: iDempiere
      Helpdesk: iTop

    • #2545

      Institution: Joe Gqabi District Municipality (Local Govt)
      Submitted by: Llewellyn Gush

      Not all the below systems are fully utilised. eg The mail server, no-one uses the resource allocation function, and only a few use the calendaring function
      We work in a very distributed environment with offices in all our towns (13 towns & 35 office locations). The office a linked back to the Main Office in Barkly East via a local service provider that uses Wireless links. We buy dedicated bandwidth and link in via a VPN on the System.

      Mail Server
      Zimbra Mail server, and calendaring system
      • Mail server utilising IMAP and SSL for SMTP
      • Zimbra web client for webmail
      • Zimbra Web Admin interface
      • Calendaring links to Mozilla Thunderbird

      DRP and Backups / File servers
      Linux as file servers for backups and saving of files
      Owncloud for backups of local computers. Excellent solution
      Financial/HR System backups – Rsync with custom scripts depending on the dbase.
      Cygwin – I mention this as I install it on the Windows servers as I can use rsync/cron for backups. These are also scripted with a custom scripts.

      Alfresco Community version for
      • Document management.
      • Document Sharing
      • Blog
      • Wiki

      Desktop Productivity Suite
      Big exposure to Libreoffice, only use MS office where directly required by eg Finance
      National Treasury are a serious offender in this space as they do not accept OSS solutions AT ALL.

      ClearOS Community edition
      • Firewall – Iptables
      ◦ Incoming/Ougoing
      ◦ Custom Firewall rules
      ◦ Port forwarding
      ◦ OpenVPN – Remote access for service provider support, and Management. Excellent solution
      ◦ Snort – Intrusion detection
      • Squid proxy
      • Dansguardian – URL Scanning

      Network/Device Monitoring
      Used Nagios until the server loaded with this crashed. Have to check the current status of device monitoring and decide what to use and then setup new server.

      Have KVM initialised on some of my servers. Very impressive in my space. Won’t be investing in any more VMWare licenses unless there is no option.

      • Joomla
      • WordPress

      Web Enabled Applications
      These applications are built on the LAPP stack
      • Linux
      • Apache
      • Postgres/PostGIS
      • PHP/Javascript/Java
      The Applications themselves are not OSS as they are owned by the developer who has chosen not to opensource them. There are however no license fees payable going forward. The functionality is as below. All the modules are interlinked where the functionality is required.
      • Incident Management system/Customer Care
      • Asset Management (Full system Grap and MSCOA compliant)
      ◦ Asset details – engineering
      ◦ Asset Details – financial
      ◦ Asset Details ownership
      ◦ Asset Detail – Location
      ◦ Job cards
      ▪ Job costing
      ▪ Personnel used
      ▪ Plant used
      ▪ Asset Replacements/Condition assessment etc
      ▪ Documents relating to each
      • PostGIS/Mapserver OSS GIS solution linked to every function that requires a spatial location. QGIS used for updating/editing etc any records directly in the Dbase if required. Locations can also be modified from within the system
      • Project Management – incidentally done for National Treasury to track their projects, Modified for Municipal requirement
      • Fleet management
      ◦ Reminders of license renewal
      ◦ Trip authority
      ◦ Fuel usage
      • Mobile interface for every one of the above modules. This also serves to make asset verification easier as a Bluetooth scanner can be linked to a device and the asset is verified in the system live.

      Hardware Re-Purposing

      As a Municipality money is in short supply. I have reloaded all my ancient laptops (XP based mostly, some Win 7) with Linux Mint. The users that get these are usually technical personnel. Their needs are Email, Internet, Basic spreadsheets and Documents.

      My technical staff always ask. Why is it that when a person gets a Linux laptop do we never see them again…… They almost never break. Beyond the familiarisation required to know how to find the apps in the menu’s they are never seen until the laptop finally breaks down.

    • #2559
      Seaparo Phala

      Department of Arts and Culture:-

      ECM: Alfresco Community Version
      Archive Repository: Atom (Access to Memory)
      Websites and Intranet: Drupal
      Terminology Management System
      Meeting Room Booking System
      Virtualisation: Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV)
      Red Hat
      FOSS Projects in Pipeline:
      Archivematica (for ingestion of digitised Archive material
      GLPI Rollout (current used by Sport and Recreation – we are merging)

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