Danie van der Merwe

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 46 total)
  • Author
  • in reply to: Name for Desktop OS #2466

    From Prince Sebapu: Let’s call it something like ZA-OS Linux

    in reply to: The need to access BAS, PERSAL and LOGIS #2465

    From Aslam Raffee: Some departments use “reflections” which supports browser access to 3270 emulation

    in reply to: Implementation suggestions #2464

    From Llewellyn Gush: I would like to propose that as part of this initiative that pressure be brought to bear on education and industry… Education .. as the current curriculum is appalling. Why is it necessary to specify the MS document suite for everything submitted to university? ?
    Industry where they intersect with Gov . The DiData’s etc all develop solutions using proprietary software. It is very hard to find a solution that is OSS based

    in reply to: The need to access ECM systems #2460

    This one should be fairly easy as certainly with Alfresco and OpenText they can be hosted on Linux OS on the server side, and their client side is browser based so no problems are envisaged.

    in reply to: List of FOSS Projects and implemented FOSS systems #2430

    Institution: Western Cape Liquor Authority:

    Website – Drupal
    Form design – Inkscape

    in reply to: Jitsi Meet #2408

    Topic moved to under the VC sub-forum for Jitsi.

    in reply to: ONLYOFFICE #2396

    Hi Karel, we actually have a forum open for OnlyOffice under Office Suites Forum where multiple different topics can be opened all grouped under that OnlyOffice forum. Not sure if you want to open topics under that Forum?

    in reply to: Purpose and Scope of this Forum #2302

    And true also for tenders published by government: If they published in ODF format and required responses in ODF, that already makes a big impact on the industry too.

    Actually I don’t know how government gets away with not enforcing ODF for all tender documents.

    in reply to: Alfresco Tips #2151

    Not many are aware that Alfresco has a very good “sites” capability to create discussion forums. It is not just a document management tool. Each site can be managed by a different person, each with its own members with different roles.

    in reply to: Website Design for FOSS Website #2105

    We will need wiki functionality to be able to simultaneously all work of drafting policy or minutes etc. If not in the site we link to Etherpad or host Etherpad on the server VM.

    We also need an area to publish minutes and agendas for meetings.

    in reply to: Documents & Resources #2104

    I’m still maintaining my list of FOSS softwrae by category at https://gadgeteer.co.za/opensourcesoftware

    in reply to: Website Design for FOSS Website #2101

    Hi Bulelani, please list your FOSS in use under the other discussion thread for the list. This one is to give feedback on suggestions for the functionality of this website, bugs, etc.

    in reply to: Website Design for FOSS Website #2091

    Need to also look at the sending of e-mail for notifications. I subscribed for notifications on posts but no mail received.

    [EDIT: Great I see we can edit a post now a few hours later]

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Danie van der Merwe. Reason: Just testing editing a post
    in reply to: National Department of Transport #2090

    Hi Bulelani, could you paste it in the topic at https://foss.oss.gov.za/?topic=list-of-foss-projects-and-implemented-foss-systems as we have various Departments listed there? Otherwise, we will end up with separate topics all on their own for each entity.

    in reply to: Purpose and Scope of this Forum #2089

    Yes Simtandile, fully agree with that. When I meant government I was thinking more from the perspective of government being the one’s to engage with academia and industry here to also generate demand for OSS services and support, to promote the use of open standards, ensure open standards for tenders so that OSS has an equal opportunity, etc. We’d also seek inputs from public and others but our realm of control is more government.

    I’m pretty sure much of what we’d do and standards and policy we’d recommend for government is equally applicable to citizens and industry too. But apart from vendors wanting to provide OSS services to government, do we broaden our scope much wider than that and include other sectors of society and industry completely unrelated to government services? If so we’d need to think a lot broader in terms of representation at meetings?

    We’d certainly want what we’re doing to rub off much broader across the country. I’m just thinking of representation though and where and what we intend to focus on. Government has been a tough nut to crack already, so do we focus on eating an arm and a leg, or go for the whole elephant 😉

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 46 total)